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Kitsch Objects » [VENDS] mega rarity - 20th century boy promo glitter cd SIGNED » 30-07-2015 14:54:11

Sorry, this is the correct link with the international delivery

Kitsch Objects » [VENDS] mega rarity - 20th century boy promo glitter cd SIGNED » 26-07-2015 23:52:56

Hi, for everyone interested i'm selling this mega rarity (only for a fair price..) - 20th century boy promo ( glitter cd with feathers), i bought it not signed 8 years ago and then i met the band 2 times and i succeeded to sign the booklet :) ... 1555.l2649

Actualités (News) » [MAJ] Placebo dans le Lab Virgin Radio (24-25-26 juin 2013) + audio » 24-06-2013 21:56:30

Can someone please translate in english the entire interview?
That would be awesome for people who don't speak french :copain: :timide:

Actualités (News) » [MàJ] For What It's Worth, premier single à sortir le 1er juin ! » 21-04-2009 01:56:04

Also on [url=]youtube online video[/url] if you don t wnat to download =) cheers

Actualités (News) » [MàJ] For What It's Worth, premier single à sortir le 1er juin ! » 21-04-2009 01:40:40

Hi guys!!
very high quality video [url=]download[/url]

Actualités (News) » [MàJ] For What It's Worth, premier single à sortir le 1er juin ! » 20-04-2009 15:31:33

hi guys!!
cool song!

[color=#DC1663][b]Edit Maylis : lien supprimé : le single sera dispo à la vente.[/b][/color]

Actualités (News) » Battle For The Sun en téléchargement sur le site officiel ! » 17-03-2009 21:49:22

The song is soo awesome *__*

[color=#DC1663][i][b]Link removed, it is available on the official website, thank you[/b][/i][/color]

Actualités (News) » [MàJ] Des nouvelles à propos du nouvel album ! » 16-03-2009 14:14:05

susana, is not the first time that placebo makes marketing strategies.. like all big bands.. they do Dvds.. album collection (10th anniversary & omwf). it's a normal thing. It's their job.. So i'm not surprised about this stuff of the box set! you are not obliged to order the box set.. and in my opinion the price is right. They sell 2 cds.. 2 dvds..36 book pages with photos..16 pages with all the lyrics written by hand..2 vynil lp..1 big poster.. and the cost of the package/spedition!! it's right as price in my opinion..if you don't want to buy the box set you can normally buy the normal cd.. but you can't obliged all the people who would spend more money for a product with more placebo stuff.. the good thing is that you can choose whatever you want: the normal cd.. cd with dvd.. or the box set!

Actualités (News) » Vos questions à Steve Forrest » 18-09-2008 14:10:28

I didn't understand.. where i have to click to make the question?!

Actualités (News) » Placebo au Pays de Galles en juillet » 13-03-2007 00:08:47

[quote=littletool][quote=euge][b]Placeboworld[/b] annonçait que les warm-up shows au Coronet au début du mois de mars seraient les derniers concerts au Royaume-Uni pour l'année 2007, mais[color=#DC1663][b] Placebo[/b][/color] [b]participera[/b] au moins à un festival, le [b][color=#DC1663]Fflamfestival[/color][/b] qui se déroulera [color=#DC1663][b]du 13 au 15 juillet [/b][/color]au [b]Singleton Park de la cité de Swansea au Pays de Galles[/b].

[b]Placebo[/b] partagera la tête d'affiche avec Keane, Feeder, Manic Street Preachers...

Source :

([i]Merci au sweetprince forum pour l'info[/i])[/quote]
rhhooo, pk pas en france ??? :transpi:[/quote]
France??? are you crazy? The France has been TOO LUCKY with the dates. There are some States where placebo have never played in this tour, and the france is not satisfied? -.-''''''''''''

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